Some Quick Bi-Products of Yoga (to keep us yogi’s inspired)

Some Quick bi-products of Yoga (to keep us yogi’s inspired)

COSMETIC : Well of course there is this undeniable fact that yoga makes us look gorgeous. The greed for young healthy skin, tight & toned body, fabulous abs, all in all a smoking hot figure makes it easier for practicing the kriya of yoga everyday consistently.

NATURAL DETOX – The yoga’s methods of naturally detoxifying the body are simply amazing. Cleansing techniques or shatkarmas like neti & kunjal leave you feeling like a little bird floating and flying through life and then there is my favorite Shankhaprakshalan. It is a yogic stomach and intestinal cleaning process that is super easy & gives you the stomach lining of a new born baby.

AWESOME METABOLISM : While yoga recommends you to fill your stomach ½ with water, ¼ with food and leave remaining ¼ empty. You can very occasionally fill all your stomach with your favorite food and get away with it without effecting your health or accumulating fat. All thanks to the super healthy metabolism you have because of the consistent practice of kriya yoga.

AFFLICTION TO INTOXICATION : In this day and society we live in who wouldn’t want to keep away from affliction. Yoga is a natural rehab. It not only helps one to let go of an addiction but also directs our subconscious towards the right kind of addiction.

ORGANS OF STEEL : Yoga practice have many subtle & some very apparent effects on all organs of the body. Practitioners not only keep incurable diseases at bay but also strengthens all vital organs enough to last them a solid 100 years long lifetime.

So while the purpose of yoga may be to attain rapid spiritual evolvement, the bi products of yoga make its usefulness as a way of life tad more apparent.




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